5 ways to reduce human errors in manufacturing

We cannot change the human condition, but in manufacturing we can certainly improve the way people work, where they work, and what systems they use. 

The most effective way to control human error is to implement good systems in a few key areas.


Training needs to include answers to the whys, as well as the whats, and hows. Also, on-the-job training and qualification is necessary, especially for critical tasks and activities. In addition, eLearning courses should be available, so employees can learn at their own pace.

Management Systems

Documentation control, investigation management, risk management, and project management are important to set the baseline for the rest of the operation.


Processes need to be accurate, human-engineered, available, and enforceable. In addition all the steps should be well documented and be within reach of the workers.

Immediate Supervision

Pre-job briefs, walkthroughs, and instructions to workers are important. Supervisors need to be out on the floor, keeping an eye on the things and not in the office.


Employees should know what needs to be achieved daily and the proper way to do it. Communication objectives between teams and between shifts must be clear, as well as rules and training for shop floor operations.

Human errors in manufacturing can be prevented by making sure that every business has appropriate training for their employees and all the relevant systems in place.

What steps are you taking in your organization to avoid human errors? Let us know.

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